Saturday, May 2, 2009

earth bliss

Went for another surf again today. The waves were phenomenal and it was another bright sunny day. Caught a few nice rides, so I was pretty stoked. We are definitely going back out for a early morning session tomorrow before we leave for Togiak. Mike bought a .22 Remington today. I am laughing at him right now as he is so frustrated because he took it apart and is having a hard time putting it back together. I am in an annoying kind of mood-the kind where Whit poked Gabes over and over with a pencil in the middle of a church service.  Today started out being a hard day, and is ending up wonderfully. It is amazing how going outside clears my mind of all negativity. It is my healing source, and I wish  I would take more advantage of it. I am on the right path now, so that’s good at least. A harbor seal paid me a visit during the sesh. I caught a glimpse of his white head out of the corner of my eye right after I got caught inside and was battling my way back out. I was so exhausted and about to give up when he looked at me with his dark eyes,  giving me that extra motivation I needed to keep my arms paddling away. 
I am reading a wonderful book right now called “Touch the Earth”. It is a compilation of quotes, passages, and narratives of Native Americans from various  tribes and times. I only read one page a night, trying to make the wisdom of these words last. One song in particular has struck a deep note within me, and is constantly in my head. I recall it in moments like surfing, fishing, and being out on the water in general, so pretty much all the time. It embodies how I feel about things in this stage of my life, describing my views better than any words I can come up with. It was written by an Eskimo woman shaman.

“The great sea
Has sent me adrift
It moves me
As the weed in a great river
Earth and the great weather
Move me
Have carried me away
And move my inward parts with joy.”

motorcycle madness

Went surfing again today.  Don’t feel like writing much tonight but suffice it to say it was a gorgeous sunny day, and both Mike and I needed “therapy”. We got home feeling much better. I feel like I am cheating by putting journal entries from previous trips into this blog, but I am pooped right now and I don’t  really feel to motivated to get too cerebral. So, here is a little passage from my motorcycle adventure from southern Mexico to Utah. I had just left Zion National Park in the early morning, temps were in the lower 30s, and the “rosy-fingered-dawn” seemed to blend right into the monolithic red cliffs lining the highway. I was a bit high that day- high on life, independence, loneliness, and all the testosterony juices flowin through my veins that only a straddled motorcycle can induce. 
“Here I sit, a modern day warrior on my modern day steed. The wind rushes past; stinging, piercing, finding every crack. Inhaling sharply, leaning into the cold, I yell my warrior cry. I am free, unleashing all inside-embracing who I have become, embracing who I want to be. Staring into the distance, I wonder what’s to come, who I’ll meet, where I’ll find myself when I am done. Can’t stop now-I’ve started my journey of transformation-there’s no going back. Its just me and a pair of handlebars. My head clear, my mind unclogged, my thoughts come and go as fast as the million white streaks whizzing by.  I am who I am, and I am not ashamed-no one can touch that! And this journey continues long after the kickstand is down; it continues on past the day my engine no longer fires in the cold morning sun, and still beyond into that other realm so often brushed on those hair-pin turns and close-call swerves. A new adventure to celebrate; solo; riding the wind. Ayeeeeeeee!”